Encouragement for Christian Parents
As a Christian mother, my number one priority is
to train up my children to know Christ. Nothing else can come close to the
priority of wanting my children (and my children’s children, and my children’s
children’s children…) to spend eternity with God – and with me! That goal
drives every decision that I make in parenting. Michael and I spend much time
teaching our children what we believe and why we believe it.
Biblical teaching takes precedence in our homeschool, and we make every effort
to talk of Biblical precepts as we go through our daily lives. Most
importantly, we pray for our children.
And yet, we
know that no matter what parenting decisions we make, the ultimate
responsibility in our children accepting Christ as Savior will rest with… our
children. An old pastor of ours used to say, “God doesn’t have any grandchildren,”
meaning that no one is saved based upon their parent’s salvation, or lack
thereof. Each of us must make that decision for ourselves, no matter what our
roots are. The good news here is that anyone can be saved, even if they were
not raised in the faith. The bad news is that there is no guarantee that they
So with that
little thought, are you wondering why the title of this post is “Encouragement for
Christian Parents”? Keep reading! ;-)
I was
recently moved by an insight from my favorite parenting book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart. While I can not find the exact
quote, the gist of the message is this:
God has already shown great mercy to our
children, by placing them in our families.
He’s given us
an inkling of His call to our children, by the very fact that he placed them in
our homes. What a merciful thing, to be raised in a Christian family where they
hear His truth, are taught His Word, and see faith lived out. By placing these
children in our families, He demonstrates that their salvation must be pretty
important to Him too!
We don’t
bring our children to Christ by being perfect parents, and thank God for that!
If that’s what it took, none of our children would ever be saved. But God did
put them in our homes so we can influence them. And influence them we do.
God put them
in our families so we can…
Pray for our
children, to the One who created them, who can soften even the hardest heart of
Teach our
children diligently, day in and day out.
Live out our
faith, imitating Christ to them.
Be honest
with them when we fail – demonstrating our need for a Savior, repentance and
the power of forgiveness.
In a home like that, children are blessed
indeed! God has truly shown them great mercy already.
encouragement that while it’s true there is no guarantee, the very placement of
our children in authentically Christian homes is a great blessing to them, and
a great start on a path toward knowing Christ.
6:4-9 “Hear, O Israel:
The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that
I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to
your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you
walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them
as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You
shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
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