Ten Things to
Teach your Son about True Manhood:
Being a gentleman
is still worth the effort:
- Hold the door.
- Stand up when a woman leaves or joins the table.
- Walk on the “splash” side of the sidewalk.
- Attempt (gently) to pick up the tab.
- Go get the car when it’s raining.
- Offer your hand
At the same time,
be respectful: All the above “gentlemanly” actions must be offered subtly, and
– if necessary – set aside graciously when refused.
responsibility: In a word (well, two), “step up.” True manhood takes
responsibility for its actions, choices, values and beliefs. And while taking
responsibility, manhood is also willing to admit with grace – when it is wrong.
Don’t be afraid to
be vulnerable: Real strength allows other people in. Manhood is honest about
feelings and not afraid to be known. True manhood never builds a wall where
there should be a window, or a fortress where there should be a sanctuary.
Actually being a
man is more important than talking like one: Real men don’t just stand up and
speak up – they put up too. Loud talk and tough posturing don’t cut it. True
manhood involves finding a need and doing something about it. Real men don’t
complain about social problems, they go out and do something about them. Real
men don’t point fingers, they work for solutions. Real men get calluses on
their hands.
respectfully, disagree politely and never exclude women from conversation: True
manhood is inclusive. It may be strong, but it’s unfailingly polite. Men who
equate bluster or machismo with strength are typically covering something up.
Men who think women have nothing to contribute to the conversation need to wake
up and smell the 21st Century.
Love is stronger
than muscles: True manhood understands that brute force is less compelling than
self-giving love. The best solutions to difficulties involved applied love.
The first shall be
last: True manhood puts others first. Jesus is quoted more than once as saying
something like this: If you want to be a leader, then the place to be is on
your knees, with a towel in your hand, washing someone’s feet.
Manhood is
sometimes – more about what you could do but didn’t than what you could have
avoided but did anyway: There’s a lot of restraint a great deal of “Quiet
Strength” in true manhood. Real men tend to always have something in reserve.
True manhood is
more about giving than about getting: Our culture often touts a men see what
they want, then they go out and get it view of manhood. But true manhood is
more along the lines of see what the world needs, then go out and do it.
Strength leveraged for the benefit of others.
God’s Holy Spirit
enables you to be the kind of man God wants you to be. To begin walking
in the power of the Holy Spirit, you can open your heart and life to Him right
now by praying this prayer with sincerity:
Dear Father, I
need You. I acknowledge that I have been directing my own life and that, as a
result, I have sinned against You. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins
through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to again take
His place on the throne of my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You
commanded me to be filled, and as You promised in Your Word that You would do
if I asked in faith. I now thank You for directing my life and for filling me
with the Holy Spirit.”
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